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The YES Leadership Camp


Phone: 604-960-1377

The YES Leadership Camp

The Youth Excellence Society (YES) is a charitable organization that provides exceptional leadership training to British Columbia’s youth through the support of the province’s co-operative and credit union movement. For over 45 years, the YES has been providing a unique learning experience for over 15,000 youth across BC. The YES has no religious affiliation.

The YES Leadership Camp provides week-long overnight leadership retreats for youth from all over BC. Skills training is offered for teens in the areas of self-awareness, cooperation, communication, global awareness, inclusion, sustainability, and leadership. Participants take part in the creation of a strong community of support, respect, and growth. Not only is there a chance to learn and develop important life skills, it’s also tons of fun! From field games to hikes, to tie dye and participant-led projects, we have a variety of awesome activities each day. The YES Camp is a summer experience that will last a lifetime. Learn more about programs at

Suitable For:
Camp is open and inclusive to all youth.


Standard rate of $925. Flexible payment plans, subsidies, and sponsorships available @


14-18 years


Lake Cowichan, Vancouver Island. In-province transportation available.

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